Hair Confirm Hair Test kit


SKU: HAIRCON Category: Tag:

A simple at-home hair collection procedure that provides a comprehensive 90 day drug/history report.

Ships directly to our lab via pre-paid shipping envelope we include with the purchase.

HairConfirm screens for the five most popular drug classes (Cocaine, Marijuana, Opiates, Amphetamine and Phencyclidine)

This Test Screens:

  • Marijuana (THC)
  • Cocaine/Cocaine metabolites
  • Opiates (Codeine, Morphine & 6-monacteyl morphine)
  • Amphetamine(AMP)
  • Methamphetamine(mAMP)
  • Ecstasy(MDMA)
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)

How does the test work?

Full Instructions are included with the kit

Using the detailed instructions as a guide, collect a hair sample of approximately 90-120 hairs. Mail the hair sample to our laboratory, using the pre-addressed envelope provided. The laboratory will analyze the hair sample for evidence of drug use. Using your HairConfirm® Specimen ID number, passcode and email address, you must register your test once you have mailed the samples to the laboratory. Go to the results section to obtain the results.

How accurate is hair testing?

All samples are tested using a radioimmunoassay screen. Before any positive test result is reported, the sample is subjected to a second, confirmatory test using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), considered the gold standard for forensic drug testing.

What drugs does HairConfirm® screen for?

HairConfirm® screens for the five most popular drug classes (Cocaine, Marijuana, Opiates, Amphetamine and Phencyclidine)

How does Hair Testing compare to urinalysis?

Hair samples can detect a long period of drug use

How effective is Hair Testing in detecting drug users?

In side-by-side comparison studies with urinalysis, hair drug testing has uncovered significantly more drug use. In two independent studies, hair drug testing uncovered 4 to 8 times as many drug users as urinalysis for evidence of drug use

Can hair be affected by cross-reacting substances such as over-the-counter medications?

Enzyme-immunoassay antibodies (EIA), similar to those used to test urine, are used for the initial drug screening in hair;therefore the potential for substances such as over-the-counter medications to cause a false positive screening result does exist. To eliminate the possibility of reporting a false-positive result due to cross-reactivity, our laboratory performs Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) for all specimens that screen positive.

Can tests be run on people with little or no hair?

Hair can be collected from a combination of locations depending on the amount of hair required. If your hair on your head is too short you can use body hair as a substitute.

How long does it take to get the results back?

With the pre-paid shipping label, our lab should receive the sample the next business day. Tests are available 2 business days after that.

What cut off levels are used by HairConfirm?

Pg/mg=picogram per milligram of hair
Amphetamine, Methamphetamine &Ecstasy – 500 pg/mg (screening and confirmation)
Cocaine &Benzoylecgonine – 500 pg/mg (screening and confirmation)
Opiates – Codeine, Morphine &6-MAM (Heroin Metabolite) – 300 pg/mg (screening and confirmation)
PCP – 300 pg/mg (screening and confirmation)
Marijuana- Carboxy- THC 1 pg/mg (screening), 0.3 pg/mg (confirmation)

Will the test result remain confidential?

Yes, the results are for your use only and remain completely confidential. No names or social security numbers are used in this process.